Unlike other versioning schemes like Semantic Versioning and Calendar Versioning, ZeroVer (AKA 0ver) is simple: Your software's major version should never exceed the first and most important number in computing: zero.
But in the end, I couldn’t think of a way that I’d be a useful propaganda tool for the CIA—unless they anticipated me writing this essay (in which case, kudos CIA)—and so I said yes.
The surprised cat clawed and snarled causing Steven to leap out of the chair, slip on a rug and strike his forehead onto the corner of a floor speaker; resulting in a two inch open gash. In its shock, the cat also defecated, leaving Steven with a wet brown stain down the back of his beige cargo pants. I liked that cat.
This was an awesome experience. Nevertheless, I swear I will never write another book again.
The large action model, or LAM, was trained by humans interacting with apps like Spotify and Uber, essentially showing the model how they work. The LAM learned what a Settings icon looked like, how to know when an order was confirmed, and where the search menus are.
A SEC Commissioner’s Rant on Bitcoin ETFs
We squandered a decade of opportunities to do our job. If we had applied the standard we use for other commodity-based ETPs, we could have approved these products years ago, but we refused to do so until a court called our bluff. And even now our approval comes only begrudgingly,
We needed to be a contributor to the PyTorch repository to execute workflows, but we didn’t feel like spending time adding features to PyTorch. Instead, we found a typo in a markdown file and submitted a fix.
A bunch of people had the tools, but to deliver ROI almost instantaneously, no one else was there.
Boeing on Outsourcing (2001) - Skip to the end for recommendations
Look continuously at the entire activity. Do not minimize costs in isolation.