what i've been reading (33)
software testing, software design, software architecture. everything a growing swe needs. featuring gdpr vs the catholic church
software testing
adventures in modern testing (video) - slide deck - testing leadership is responsible for quality culture and achieved via coaching and data, not test writing.
software design
inductive user interfaces - microsoft (2001) - it’s obvious now, but this must have been genius at the time. build an interface around the different tasks a user will take.
software architecture
command and query responsibility segregation - separating query (read) actions from command (tasks/write) actions.
product management
how to hire a product manager (2005) - smart, technical, good instincts, knows what makes stakeholders tick
good product manager/bad product manager (2012) - good pms ship successful products. bad pms don’t.
secrets of exceptional product leaders (video) - they deeply understand customers and constantly tell their customer story
url confusion - even popular python url parsers all do slightly different things
pwn requests - code injection in github prs
social engineering: hacking helpdesks - call tech support, let them know your manager is on pto, and have the “manager” send a validation email from his personal account.
an anonymous short seller - companies hate short sellers… sue!
recent chatgpt upgrades are cool
poetry - i never read poetry, read more poetry
chinese media reflecting on the us vs japan trade war in the 80s - advice to china on how to handle the current trade war.
studio ghibli sold to nippon tv - miyazaki hayao is 82 years old and still making movies
gdpr vs catholic church - the catholic church keeps a record of baptisms. this has gdpr implications.
the tail end - friendly reminder that life is finite.