Eating the Birds of America: Audubon’s Culinary Reviews of America’s Birds
Audubon also sampled the meat of Peregrine Falcons, which he found to be very tough. Young Bald Eagles were like “veal in taste and tenderness,” while the flesh of Barred Owls is “palatable.”
Mud Maker: The Man Behind MLB’s Essential Secret Sauce
“I thought it was the coolest thing in the world, I did,” Joanne says. “I said, I can’t wait to go dig up mud, oh, I really wanted to play in the mud!”
She wasn’t allowed, though—yet. They were legally wed, yes, but sharing the specifics of the family secret represented an entirely different kind of intimacy for Jim. This was new, and he wasn’t quite sure if he was ready to open up.
How One Las Vegas ED Saved Hundreds of Lives After the Worst Mass Shooting in U.S. History
At that point, one of the nurses came running out into the ambulance bay and just yelled, “Menes! You need to get inside! They’re getting behind!” I turned to Deb Bowerman, the RN who had been with me triaging and said, “You saw what I’ve been doing. Put these people in the right places.” She said, “I got it.”
And so I turned triage over to a nurse. The textbook says that triage should be run by the most experienced doctor, but at that point what else could we do?
How good can you be at Codenames without knowing any words?
After playing enough games, you might realize that there's no card where a team has 5 words in a row or column, or that only the start player color ever has 4 in a row, and if this happens on an edge and it's blue, the 5th word must belong to the red team, or that there's no configuration with six connected blue words (and there is one with red, one with 2 in a row centered next to 4 in a row). Even if you don't consciously use this information, you'll probably develop a subconscious aversion to certain patterns that feel "too weird".
Perceptual ripening of oranges
At home, when I took out the oranges from the net, a miracle happened: each orange, beautifully colored within the net, turned into an abysmal shade of green! This can be seen in the photographs in [Figure 2], where the effect of the netting is illustrated.
Plane Diverted From Jackson Hole Airport Because Pilot Not Qualified
“Hey, I’m really sorry folks, but due to me not having the proper qualification to land in Jackson Hole, we need to divert to Salt Lake City, Utah. We’ll keep you posted on the next steps,” the pilot explained. is a project… built to showcase the amazing beauty and (sometimes) weirdness found in the designs of the common audio tape cassette. There's an amazing range of designs, starting from the early 60's functional cassette designs, moving through the colourful playfulness of the 70's audio tapes to amazing shape variations during the 80's and 90's.
Sun: 96,329,192 points
Moon: 110,825,510 points
Fixing a Bug in Google Chrome as a First-Time Contributor
Building Chromium has some pretty steep system requirements though. My computer is quite strong with a 7950X CPU and M.2 SSD, but a clean build still takes something like 45 minutes to finish. While compiling with 32 threads, the build also used over 50GB of RAM at peak consumption and over 100GB of disk space.
Incremental builds are quite fast though, usually taking less than 10 seconds.
[photos only]
It's a collection of 1,048,576 homepage screenshots that you can zoom all the way into. It's a weired and wonderful way to explore the web.
Now we can run python foo.cpp if foo.cpp begins with the magic line #define CODEC "coding:magic.cpp".