Ko Ko Nut Ko Ko Ko Ko Nut
Spaghetti cultivation here in Switzerland is not, of course, carried out on anything like the tremendous scale of the Italian industry. Many of you, I’m sure, will have seen pictures of the vast Spaghetti plantations in the Po Valley. For the Swiss, however, it tends to be more of a family affair.
So You Want To Build A Browser Engine
When designing your engine, focusing from the beginning on the right set of important and hard use-cases will help you a lot: much of your design will be dictated by the performance and security requirements of those use-cases.
The Demise of Coding is Greatly Exaggerated
The emergence of new problems and domains is a great equalizer. As we discover things, we find new terrains open up. And a new terrain is a good opportunity to make impact without needing immense resources.
In our family we thought “what if Settlers had simultaneous time-limited turns?” We implemented it with a few rule tweaks and a free app written by one of my children. It turns out to work very well!
I played a 5 player civ game with a 30 second turn timer. The same chaos, it was awesome.