A review blog calculated 100 trillion digits of pi with spare hardware in the office. By performing the computation locally, Jordan & team were able to make optimizations that just can’t happen in Google cloud.
People are turning chatbots into therapists… Will it really help with loneliness or just make things worse? Anyway, this post contains overviews of startups and businesses using AI as an interface - hints at where investors think value will start trickling in.
DoS attacks were different in the 70s.
I drafted this blog post for Praetorian. Security analysis is composed of three steps: enumerating a target, understanding the data, and vulnerability identification. The model can be used to categorize and design security tools, improving UX.
Theories as to why people aren’t neighbors with their friends when life is better when they are physically close. It does happen in college. I’m curious about the tradeoffs on friends as roommates vs friends as neighbors.
Teaching teaches the teacher how teachees are taught. Also how to communicate clearly. Unfortunately, it’s not usually a high-paying gig.
Overview of talent distribution at different types of companies. Some companies excel at process and succeed with average talent. Some companies ride to success on the back of their A players. Some companies build teams around their top performers.
NEWS ARTICLE: Can All Headlines That End With a Question Mark Be Answered With ‘No’? Betteridge says yes.
A site I found when looking for book recommendations. It groups authors together by readership overlap. See also: this book recommendation map and this site with curated book recommendations.
Young David Attenborough using technology to pretend to be a lemur (circa 1960).